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“Let Me Prey Upon You” – Is Now An Award-Winning Book!

Soon after I began my own journey of healing from clergy abuse, came a need and a passion to speak out on the issue. Through the years, I’ve continually worked with The Hope of Survivors Ministry and I currently serve on the board of Council on Child Abuse (COCA). I’ve spoken to many groups and churches on the topic of prevention and met many courageous survivors. After one such presentation, several attendees remarked,” You should write a book.”

I began to understand my story could have an impact. Writing the book was difficult at times, but I was motivated by this one thought, what would have changed for me had I heard someone’s story of abuse during the time I was being abused. Would I have realized I wasn’t alone? Would it have given me the courage to tell someone? Would it have given me some ray of light in my dark despair?

Independent Press Award Winner

I am proud to announce “Let Me Prey Upon You” has won the Independent Press Award in the Religion: Nonfiction category. My book has also been selected as the Distinguished Favorite in the Women’s Issues: Nonfiction and the Book Cover Design categories. I am humbled by this recognition but the emails and letters I receive from victims expressing their gratitude for me telling my story and giving them hope is the real recognition.

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