I was a guest on the Gurus and Gam Changers podcast – Clergy Abuse: A Survivor Breaks the Silence.
From their episode description: A survivor’s powerful journey from victimization to advocacy, featuring Sandy Phillips Kirkham, author of “Let Me Prey Upon You”.
A wonderful review of Let Me Prey Upon You from the Its A Wrap With Rap podcast.
I joined Rachel Stone for a two-part interview on her podcast Rachel on Recovery.
Rachel on Recovery is about journeys of recovery on trauma. Rachel has been on a journey of recovery for many years. She has tried many different treatments and has done a tone research as student and avid reader.

Interview with Raquel Lamal, host of Sole Source podcast. Sexual assault. A true story from a victim of clergy abuse. Sandy Phillips Kirkham shares the details of her story as a victim of clergy abuse. Sandy raises awareness of what victims of sexual assault go through and how it has shaped her view of the church later in life.

Join Sandy Phillips Kirkham as she talks with host Neil Matthews in this episode of Other People’s Shoes, Prey to Confident – How Do You See Me?” Would you be able to tell if someone was sexually abused by looking at them? Chances are, the answer is no.
This episode is very mature in nature so please listen with that in mind.

Succeed Against the Odds episode Preyed Upon with Sandy Phillips Kirkham. Host Francesca Anastasia talks with Sandy about her journey of being groomed by a charismatic minister to the abuse she endured and when it was discovered she is the one who paid the price; she was forced from the church she loved. Today, she is an advocate for others sharing her story moving from abused to survivor to advocate.

Heart Led – Soul Fed – Christine Gold, host of The Power of Healing Your Energy podcast, interviews Sandy Phillips Kirkham in this episode, Breaking Free From a Minister’s Sexual Abuse.

Bleeding Daylight host Rodney Olsen interviews Sandy Phillips Kirkham in this episode, Innocence Betrayed, as she shares how she went from victim to survivor to advocate.
Pastors don’t do things they shouldn’t, right? Pastors shouldn’t prey upon anyone. Churches should hold them responsible when they do; many do not.

Living Full Out host Nancy Solari interviewed Sandy in this “full out” podcast. Sandy survived sexual abuse by her pastor when she was a teenager. When she became a victim of this traumatic event, she kept her story hidden. After being exposed, the experience questioned Sandy’s faith and left her humiliated. She was then forced to leave the church she loved so much.

Barbara & You TV – Sandy and her husband, Bill, join Barbara in this interview. Sandy shares the burden of keeping her secret for so many years. Bill said his feelings for Sandy never changed after he found out about her abuse. He said, “I wanted to do what she wanted to do. I had no experience with this type of situation. I knew nothing… I had nothing to do except show support.”

Breathe Again Radio Show – During this episode, Overcoming Clergy Abuse, Nicole Cleveland talks with Sandy about her victorious testimony, her healing, and how she helps other victims of clergy abuse.

Preacher Boys – Stop IFB Abuse – Sandy talks with Eric Skwarczynski. The Preacher Boys work to EXPOSE the physical, mental, and sexual abuse within IFB churches, ENGAGE in thoughtful discussion on the issue of abuse, and EQUIP all to create a change within churches.

Survivor Sanctuary interview with host Kelly Downing. Kelly and Sandy discussed how she went from being a victim of clergy abuse to survivor and advocate.
Sandy’s story is heartbreaking, yet hopeful, and she now uses her powerful voice to speak out on behalf of the abused. Sandy discussed how she went from being a victim of clergy abuse to survivor and advocate.