Moral vs Professional Violation
Sandy Phillips Kirkham
Society categorizes a sexual relationship between a doctor and a patient or a therapist and a patient, as an abuse of the professional’s power and position. The doctor has taken advantage of the professional position to exploit someone under his or her care. The result of this breach of trust is removal from the profession, and when appropriate, perhaps criminal. By his actions the professional loses both trust and privilege to continue his profession.
Sadly, this same standard is often not applied to a pastor who is similarly guilty of the same misconduct. Too often a member of clergy is removed briefly or not at all. Church leadership, failing to see the professional violation, focuses only on the moral failing of the pastor. When a pastor engages in sexual misconduct with a member of his congregation, it is both a moral failing and a professional violation.
Often the church responds to the offending pastor by relying on the teachings of the scripture of forgiveness: judge not lest ye be judged; we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; he who is without sin let him cast the first stone; and repentance. A repentant pastor may be forgiven by the church, but forgiveness is not a pass to ignore the ethical and professional violation committed. The goal of restoration and forgiveness should be to restore that pastor to Christ, not to his job. The church treasurer found guilty of stealing from the church funds may be forgiven, but not returned to the position of custodian of church funds.
The very heart of Christianity is based on forgiveness. Christ died so that we may be forgiven for our sins. A pastor who commits sexual abuse and misconduct but has demonstrates repentance can be forgiven. He deserves the love and grace God gives to us all, that love and grace should be provided as he sits in the 3rd pew of the church, not as he stands in the pulpit.
When one assumes the role of helping another, whether as counselor, teacher, doctor, social worker or pastor he or she takes an oath to abide by a code of conduct and ethics. A professional must be held to a higher standard because of the power and influence he has over the lives of those under his care. These higher standards are required because the pain and devastation caused are greater when created by a trusted professional. James 3:1 tells us: “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgement.” When that trust is broken, removal from the profession is not only appropriate but should be required. Removal is not just about punishment. Removal is to protect and maintain the integrity and confidence we justifiably place in those trusted with our well-being.
“Errant clergy are, of course, recipients of God’s love, redemption and forgiveness. Removing pastors who exhibit bad behavior and offering redeeming love and pastoral support are not mutually exclusive.” M. Garlinda Burton from When Pastors Prey, Valli Boobal Batchelor, Editor