April is child abuse awareness month. The uncertainty of the times we are living in takes its toll on even those of us who are emotionally stable, healthy and have a good support system. But for those who are already emotionally compromised, who have a history of abusive behavior or who are prone to “snap” without provocation are now even more of a danger to those around them. Even in the best of times an abusive parent or spouse will find reason to hurt those most vulnerable, those who are unable to fight back. The stress and economic pressures created by the Corona virus heightens this dangerous behavior.
With so many social services closed during this crisis, children being physically and emotionally abused have limited resources to seek help. I serve on the board of COCA- Council on Child Abuse. Our mission is to educational and public awareness programs to prevent and stop abuse and bullying where children live, learn and play. With Ohio schools being shut down the valuable services offered by COCA has been suspended.
The suggestion to take this time of sheltering in place to bond with your family, play games, and read more are not practical or viable options to the dysfunctional family. So it is important for all of us to keep our eyes and ears open , to be more vigilant. Reach out to those who you know may be in need.